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Portuguese » English Translations for "inocente"
Func. Word Definition Pron.
{A} inocente clear
{A} inocente blameless
{A} inocente guiltless
{A} inocente harmless
{A} inocente immaculate
{A} inocente ingenuous
{A} inocente innocent
{A} inocente shirt-sleeve
{A} inocente sinless
{A} inocente taintless
{A} inocente unoffending
{A} inocente unsophisticated
{A} inocente white
{A} inocente inoffensive
{A} inocente lamblike

Portuguese » English Indirect translations for "inocente"
Func. Word Definition Pron.
{V} declarar inocente clear from the blame
{V} declarar-se inocente plead not guilty
{N} máscara de inocente mask of innocence
{A} de olhar inocente dove-eyed
{N} (F) pessoa inocente innocent