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English » Portuguese Translations for "court"
Func. Word Definition Pron.
{N} court corte de justiça kɔ:rt
{N} court corte kɔ:rt
{N} court (M) tribunal kɔ:rt
{N} court (M) paço kɔ:rt
{N} court (M) pátio kɔ:rt
{N} court quadra kɔ:rt
{N} court (M) quintal kɔ:rt
{N} court (M) namoro kɔ:rt
{V} court cortejar kɔ:rt
{V} court namorar kɔ:rt
{V} court buscar kɔ:rt
{V} court captar kɔ:rt
{V} court catar kɔ:rt
{V} court chamar kɔ:rt
{V} court procurar kɔ:rt
{V} court atrair kɔ:rt
{V} court solicitar kɔ:rt
{V} court provocar kɔ:rt

English » Portuguese Indirect translations for "court"
Func. Word Definition Pron.
{N} appellate court tribunal de apelação ou recursos
{N} auto court (F) hospedaria para motorista
{N} basketball court quadra de basquete
{N} contempt of court order (M) desacato
{N} contempt of court order desobediência a ordem judiciária
{ADV} out of court settlement resolução de comum acordo
{N} court-card rei 'kɔ:rtkɑ:rd
{N} court-card dama 'kɔ:rtkɑ:rd
{N} court-card valete 'kɔ:rtkɑ:rd
{N} court costs custas processuais
{N} court decision decisão judicial
{N} court-house (M) palácio de justiça 'kɔ:rthaʋs
{N} court judge juiz de direito
{N} court martial (M) conselho de guerra 'kɔ:rt,mɑ:rʃəl
{N} court martial corte marcial 'kɔ:rt,mɑ:rʃəl
{N} court of appeals tribunal de apelação
{N} court of justice tribunal de justiça
{N} court order (M) ordem judicial
{N} court order (F) adjudicação
{N} court plaster (M) esparadrapo [BR]
{ADV} in court custody custódia: em custódia da justiça
{V} end up in court terminar na justiça
{N} friend at court pistolão
{V} go court ir à justiça
{N} international court of justice corte internacional de justiça